And those are really my only two reasons for not wanting to review each book separately. I don't feel much like reviewing 'Deadline' or 'Blackout' very much, so I'm doing this all at once.
Grant does a great job of building a world in which zombies are more than just the shambling impetus that drives a story forward. The choice to place the novels after a zombie Apocalypse, after humanity has reached a plateau of normal, is an interesting decision that pays off in spades. There is plenty of media out there that explores how humanity will react during the Apocalypse, movies, books, ridiculously popular TV shows that sometimes live up to the hype. It's fun to read about what life might be like after all this has occurred and people need to drastically alter the way they live in order to survive.
Some of the reviews for Grant's novel have blasted her for repeating herself. I'm willing to bet that at least once per page throughout all three novels someone is getting a blood test. They slap their palms against the testing unit, thrust their arms into the tester, feel the prick of needles testing their blood. Grant runs out of adjectives pretty early in the series but keeps plugging along. Even positive reviews will point to this as one of the major writing flaws of the series.
And I totally disagree, the repetition is one of the largest points I see in the series favor. It reminds me of Paolo Bacigalupi's 'Windup Girl' and how many reviewers complained about his constant reminders that it was hot outside. Concepts like it being hot outside or quarantine protocol might be easily and quickly conveyed through a visual medium like television, but they're too easily forgotten in book form. Grant could just as easily have described the protocol for the first time her characters entered a building and just touched upon it now and then throughout the story, just like Bacigalupi could have mentioned once that it was hot and left it at that.
It's small details like that that make Grant's world fun to play around in. She's definitely done her research concerning virology and methods for dealing with outbreaks. The virus that causes people to turn into zombies is more of a factor in the story than any of the zombies themselves. Which is a good thing, if the Apocalypse is really over and we're looking at how people are coping with a new world it would be redundant if the main obstacle for our heroes was monsters lurking behind every corner, their obstacle is trying not to turn into monsters themselves.
The world Grant has created is great, and I enjoy spending time learning more about it, but it's almost like Grant invested all her time in creating the world, but forgot to create compelling characters to inhabit that world, or a plot worthwhile enough to drag the reader along. 'Feed' starts off well enough, Georgia and Sean are interesting at first glance, and accomplish the task of introducing the reader to this brand new world surprisingly well. The plot is is serviceable, the conspiracy well enough put together that it kept me guessing until the end. The main selling point to the actual story is that Grant is willing to kill off her main character right at the end. The death of Georgia hits hard even if you know it's coming.
'Feed' builds a lot of goodwill towards the reader, but the next two novels in the book squander it. It's an old SF cliche that if a series goes on long enough the later books will end up walking all over what you loved about the series in the first place. I couldn't understand the thinking behind bringing Georgia back to life, and the justification within the story is even harder to put my finger on. I've had plenty of time to think over these choices within the book and still the best I can come up with is that Georgia was brought back to life so the CDC could somehow exert control over Sean, even though he was only brought out of obscurity through the CDC's own convoluted plot. Honestly about midway through the second book I have no idea why things are happening.
Making Sean the protagonist of the second book is a no-brainer, Georgia's dead. The problem is Sean's an ass. There is very little about the character at this point to make the the reader sympathize with the character, he's abusive to his friends, he's irrational, and in a world where every character has a heartrending story of loss we're supposed to believe that Sean's suffering is somehow worse than those around him and his grief entitles him to punch his employees in the face. I can suspend my disbelief for zombies, but that people would continue to work a low paying job where they were physically assaulted is where I draw the line.
There have been plenty of great novels with unsympathetic main characters. This of itself doesn't make 'Deadline' irritating. What bothers me is that every other character within the book is completely unable to see that Sean has no redeeming qualities.
Where a lot of people drew the line was in finding that Sean and Georgia were in a sexual relationship. I don't know if it's the fact that they grew up together referring to each other as brother and sister, the fact that they still, throughout the books, refer to each other as brother and sister, or that their reasoning for keeping their relationship a secret is more convoluted than the conspiracy, but this whole reveal really creeps me out. The less said about it the better.
Grant creates a very original world but uses a plot that should have come out of a Dan Brown book to navigate around it. I'm not real big on conspiracy theories that involve more than two people in a room keeping a secret, much less ten thousand people keeping millions of murders quiet. Grand conspiracy theories taken down by a couple scrappy kids in a van should be left to Scooby Doo, or Goonies, they did it best.
I'm not really one for writing reviews that bang on writers. I'm not a fan of horror fiction but I thought Grant created an interesting world. She did plenty of research into virology and injected a degree of realism into a sub-genre not exactly known for it. Like a lot of SF series Grant goes astray in the later books, she's not the first author to do this, and by far not the worst (I'm looking at you Philip Jose Farmer). The things Grant does well in the series she does really well, I just wish she could have done a better job of maintaining it throughout the series.
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