has been awhile since I've read the book, I first read 'Starship
Troopers' when the movie came out, so that can date it for you. Before I
read this I had actually read 'Stranger in a Strange Land,' and had a
hard time placing the author of this stern, pro-military novel with the
alternative super-hippy who wrote that book. A person almost needs a
flow chart to track the wild swings in Heinlien's ideas over time.
Heinlein never shied away from placing his personal beliefs at the
forefront of his work, and those beliefs changed decade to decade.
Though that discussion will have to wait for some later post and I'll
try to keep this more focused on the novel we are reviewing.
is no way to view Troopers as anything but a pro-military, almost
pro-fascism, sci-fi novel. Heinlein himself even said that it glorifies
the military. People will either agree or disagree with this statement
and Heinlein received his fair share of vitriol over the novel. Large
portions of the novel are info dumps where a substitute for the authors
voice describes the world in which they live, a world where voting is
limited only to those with military service, and flogging is an
acceptable punishment for the armed services. It is a novel meant as a
counterpoint to the communism of the day (a theme you will see quite
often with novels written around this time), in which Karl Marx is
mocked and any reward not earned through hard work is shunned.
fact, so much of the time in this novel is spent on discussing politics
that there is really not that much action. There are only a few action
scenes in the novel, and only once or twice are the infamous 'bugs'
even spotted. The bulk of the novel is spent discussing life in the
military, and describing the world in which the characters live. That
is all well and good, but more than one author has written a novel set
in pretty much the same world as Troopers just to include more action.
I love this book. And I've kind of skipped over the majority of the
military stuff because in my mind that's not the reason this book should
be placed on a pedestal. The reason this is an important work of
fiction is that the main character is not a white male. No
description of the main character is given until almost the mid-point of
the book when the protagonist looks into a mirror (I know, I know,
cliche) and describes himself. No mention is made of the characters
race at any other point in the book, it is a non-issue. To understand
the importance of this you need to place yourself in the time when this
book was written, and to understand the readership of science fiction at
the time. The 60s were well before the New Wave of science fiction
when it would have been commonplace to mess with social conventions, and
in the 60s again it was not uncommon to encounter blatant racism in
your science fiction.
readers of sci-fi in the 60s were predominately white males and the
writes were almost entirely white males in western culture. For a
teenager reading this book it might be the first time they had ever read
a novel in which the main character was not a white male. And for the
fact to be buried so deep in there, and only mentioned in passing, as if
the end of racism was a foregone conclusion that didn't even deserve an
argument just blows my mind. For Heinlein to write a novel about a
near fascist state that is completely colorblind concerning race just
blows my mind, and I can't stop gushing about it. Oftentimes it only
takes one line, one little fact, one offhand description to place a
novel above the competition and win it the Hugo or Nebula, and I believe
this was what put Troopers above 'Dorsai!,' another military sci-fi
written in the same year, and a much more entertaining novel if you're
looking for interstellar war.
all probability Heinlein didn't put any thought into the race of his
character, I don't know. Maybe he threw it in offhand or just wanted to
make it different. But, once the work of art has left the hands of the
creator it becomes ours to interpret as we will, and looking back
knowing what we know now about the sixties and about the genre at that
time, this one small passage from the book marks 'Starship Troopers' as
more than deserving of the 1960 Hugo award.
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