knew the basic story structure, and I was aware that this book is still
almost universally loved. What I didn't know was just how frightening
this book could be. I began reading this by telling myself it would be a
good exploration of people's feeling in the 60s about nuclear war. A
time when fears about it were running rampant and the Cold War was in
full swing. I went in to this expecting a lot of blistering rhetoric
and dated writing.
What I wasn't expecting was for the idea
of nuclear war to be just as frightening today as it was sixty years
ago. This novel scared the hell out of me. The last scene will stick
with you. But perhaps the most frightening aspect of this novel is the
author's assertion that nuclear annihilation is not just a possibility
but an absolute certainty. The world is destroyed in this novel not
once but twice.
like this novel's approach to religion in science fiction. Some people
have very strict rules of what makes up sci-fi, and what qualifies as real
science fiction, I try not to draw any such lines. I want my sci-fi to
explore anything and everything, and if that means writing a book that
takes a look at what happens when we die or Jesus' place in the world
then so be it, a good story is a good story. Miller treats the religion
in the novel with respect and dignity, and gives it the importance
necessary to make the novel work. The priests in the novel bring up
several interesting points, having the older priest question the
scientist on why he would place his skills at the service of a tyrant
will really get you where you live.
novel tackles some serious subject matter while still maintaining a
pretty light tone. The first hundred pages or so is actually very
funny. The novel dates itself somewhat in the writing but nothing that
should throw readers off, and definitely not enough to avoid the book.
Some people have found it curious that the novel is such a classic but
this is exactly what you should be looking for in your classic great
science fiction.
a little disappointed in myself for waiting so long to read this book.
Having finished it I now realize it's one of those books that all fans
of the genre need to have read. While the novel does what I expected
and offered a great look into the hopes and fears of the Cold War era,
it's much more than that. A classic, heartbreaking, post-apocalyptic
tale. It's hard to define a book as uplifting when, like I said, the
earth is destroyed twice but there it is. Miller describes some of the
worst of humanity, but still asserts his belief that deep down we are
all good people.
is one of those Hugo Award winners that has really transcended the
genre, and it makes me glad. This novel really deserves all the
recognition it can get, both as a time capsule of its era and a warning
for today. I can't praise it high enough.
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